Conversion Rate Optimization = Continuous Adapting
An important recap of the course and a valuable lesson: the ongoing process of CRO.
Day 30: The Priority Matrix
Congrats, you’ve completed our 30 Days to Conversion course!
Well… almost.
Firstly, here’s the full course to download in pdf format. Use it how you wish!
Let’s do a quick recap to remind you of how much you’ve learned.
1. Laying the groundwork
- The importance of conversion research
- KPIs
- North Star metrics
- Gathering data with analytics
2. Learning about your customers
- Understanding and using your customerss language
- Collecting real data from paying customers
- Aligning your business goals with your customer goals. You can’t have one without the other.
3. Structuring your content
- One goal per page
- Organizing content based on what your visitors’ needs
- Understanding what your customers want before they land on your site
- Creating your Value Proposition.
4. Refining your copy
- Writing powerful and compelling sales copy
- Features vs Benefits
- Illustrating processes
- CTAs
- Social proof and countering objections.
5. Design, Branding and User Experience
- Visual hierarchy
- Color palettes
- White space
- Typography
Now what?
The bad news
This process never ends. CRO is about continuous improvement. It doesn’t need to be daily, but the real work starts now!
The good news
You’ve done the hard bit. Now it’s time to iterate, iterate, iterate.
And we’ve got one more gift for you.
The Priority Matrix
Working out what to improve next isn’t about what’s been waiting the longest. You need to be able to measure the likely impact of every project you work on.
Use this Priority Matrix to get started. With it, you can assign scores to each of your projects, giving you a mathematical system to decide what to tackle first.
Identify pain points for your business based on your research, findings from the course — anywhere where you spot the potential for improvement, and put them into the Matrix.
Scoring is simple.
- Severity level: how damaging/severe is the issue?
- Potential impact: what’s the potential ROI of solving this issue?
- Effort required: how many people, and how much time does it take to fix it?
The rest is up to you.
Which leads us to your last homework for the course:
Your homework
Run a small, short user test on a page you’ve worked on during this course. You can use if you want 😉
After you get your results, fill your priority matrix with the findings.
Based on the matrix, choose 1-2 changes you can do immediately, plus another 1-2 you can tackle in the enxt couple of months.
Repeat this process quarterly or every 6 months… for as long as you want to keep improving your site.
Any questions?
Email me at Send your priority matrix, too. We’d be happy to help!