Article Impression

Gather insights on your article's impact. Understand what engages readers, maintains their interest, and influences their reading experience.


Unveil how your target audience interacts with your articles. This template focuses on capturing real-time feedback on readability, points of engagement, and elements that motivate continued reading. Learn what aspects of your article captivate your audience, from headline to conclusion. Use these insights to refine your writing style, enhance content structure, and create articles that not only attract but also retain reader attention.

Test Questions

When using a template, read through the questions and fill in the blanks found in [brackets] with your information. The templates are there as a guide, feel free to edit and modify as you see fit.

  1. You can scroll but don't click on anything else yet. What is your first impression of this site? What does this site offer? What stands out?
  2. Click through to this page: [article page] Take some time to read through this page. When you have a thought come up, please speak it out loud. How well do you understand the information presented? What was the most interesting or compelling information to you? Did you find it helpful and relevant?
  3. As you were reading, did you notice any links that piqued your interest? If so, did you feel the urge to click on them? If not, why not?
  4. If you were to [action] using this site, how would you go about doing so? Walk us through your thought process.
  5. What are your overall thoughts about this site? Was there anything that you liked or disliked about the experience? If this wasn’t a study, would you explore this site further? Why or why not?

Understand the specific thoughts, motivations, and actions of your leads.

Screencast walkthrough videos recorded by your target buyers telling you everything.

Increase conversions by understanding WHY there's a problem.

  • See what language turns them off or makes them distrust you.

  • Learn what they think is important or attracts their attention.

  • Experience how your messaging and product vibes with them - or not!
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Step 1:

Target Buyers

Choose from our vetted consumer and B2B audiences.

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Step 2:

Ask Anything

What would you like to know, gut check, and/or validate?

Ask any questions you want or request people to perform tasks.

Step 3:

Watch Experience

See what they do and the words they use to describe you & their experience.

Everything you want to know about your buyers that analytics can't tell you.

Step 4:

Take Action

Execute on what you learned by making key changes in precise places.

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