Shipping & Check-Out

See how users would go about shopping on your site.


People judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak and at its end, rather than the total sum or average of every moment of the experience. This is why having a fluid and straightforward checkout process is of utmost importance.

In this test, you will watch users go through the shopping experience on your site. You will then learn whether your shipping and delivery information is easy to find and understand. Finally, you will watch the users go through the checkout, allowing you to get deeper insights on this process.

Acquiring customers is important, but so is retention and repeat customers. This test will give you the necessary tools to understand what users think about one of the most memorable moments of their experience on your site, and will thus help you implement best practices to ensure those moments are positive and promote those users to return to your site in the future.

Test Questions

When using a template, read through the questions and fill in the blanks found in [brackets] with your information. The templates are there as a guide, feel free to edit and modify as you see fit.

  1. You have a [$X] budget to purchase something on this site. Find something for yourself or a friend. Show us how you would shop. When you add your item to the cart, move on to the next task.
  2. How long does it take for delivery and how much is shipping? How do you feel about it?
  3. Continue to go through the checkout process using any address and using VISA card 4111 1111 1111 1111, any expiration, any CVV. When you get an invalid card error, consider the task complete.
  4. Explain to us how you perceive the company so far. Do they have quality products? What do you think the customer service would be like?

Understand the specific thoughts, motivations, and actions of your leads.

Screencast walkthrough videos recorded by your target buyers telling you everything.

Increase conversions by understanding WHY there's a problem.

  • See what language turns them off or makes them distrust you.

  • Learn what they think is important or attracts their attention.

  • Experience how your messaging and product vibes with them - or not!
Start Free

Solve problems that have a direct impact on sales, signups, and retention.

Here's how it works in 4 simple steps

Step 1:

Target Buyers

Choose from our vetted consumer and B2B audiences.

If we don't have your target buyers, we'll source it for you. No extra cost.

Step 2:

Ask Anything

What would you like to know, gut check, and/or validate?

Ask any questions you want or request people to perform tasks.

Step 3:

Watch Experience

See what they do and the words they use to describe you & their experience.

Everything you want to know about your buyers that analytics can't tell you.

Step 4:

Take Action

Execute on what you learned by making key changes in precise places.

Repeat monthly to continuously optimize and drive growth.

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